Current Opportunities in the CONGAlab
Graduate Students
2024-25 Admission
The lab is accepting applications for admission to the PhD program to start in Fall 2025. We accept applications to the Psychology PhD Program (Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience Training Area) as well as the Neuroscience PhD Program. Students with an interest in executive function, reward-based decision making, and/or effort and motivation are encouraged to apply. While prior experience with R, python, or matlab is a plus, anyone that demonstrates an ability to learn independently will be considered.
Research Assistants
Spring 2025
We typically have multiple openings for NRSC/PBSI 491 each semester. We review applications during pre-registration. Click 'Join Us' below to apply.
-- Tasks --
Research assistants will perform a variety of tasks based on interests and prior experience. Possible tasks include: coding and analyzing questionnaires, administering computerized experiments, setting up neuroscience experiments, escorting participants to the brain imaging center, performing literature reviews, performing quality control of behavioral and brain data, coding behavioral tasks, and writing analysis scripts.
Students should have 6-12 hours per week that they can dedicate to research activities.
-- Qualifications --
We are looking for motivated students with excellent communication and organizational skills. Students should ideally have a GPA of at least 3.5 with an A in Statistics and Methods.
Preferred, but not required, qualifications include:
- programming experience
- strong math skills